Wednesday 10 April 2013

Simple Health Tips for Every Day Living

Trying to make huge changes in your health and lifestyle can seem daunting. If you try to change everything at once and tackle huge goals with little result, you can get frustrated and depressed. By tackling small goals and easy changes, you can give yourself a feeling of accomplishment as well as a healthier lifestyle. Trying to quit smoking, losing weight and cutting fat out of your diet are all great goals, but sometimes hard to accomplish all at once. Here are ten tips to become healthier in your everyday life that are quick and easy. Once you tackle something that is easy and follow through, it will be easier to tackle the harder changes. I have instituted most of these health changes into my life as a stepping stone to quitting smoking and lowering my blood pressure.

Every Day Health Tip #1 - Sleep

Everybody needs a good nights sleep. Every person's body varies in how much sleep is necessary. That amount can also change depending upon the amount of activity each day. By ensuring that your body gets the amount of sleep that it needs each night, you are helping your body stay healthy and happy. The average sleep needed for an active adult is 6 - 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Sleep in a dark, quiet room and allow yourself enough time to get the sleep you need. Your body will tell you how much is necessary. Getting enough sleep will help your mood, your metabolism, your immunity and almost every other aspect of your health.

Every Day Health Tip #2 - Cut Out Caffeine

Caffeine is a drug. It affects your body in numerous ways and can raise your blood pressure and cause you to have trouble sleeping. By cutting back the amount of caffeine that you consume, you are allowing your body to function the way that it needs to. Of course, many people will find this a difficult step to take, so you can begin by eliminating one cup of coffee or soda each day. Then cut back even more as you get comfortable with that amount. Your goal should be to cut caffeine out of your diet completely.

Every Day Health Tip #3 - Eat Breakfast

How are you supposed to have energy and a functioning mind if you are not feeding your body? Eating breakfast is one of the most important steps to losing weight and being healthy. Skipping breakfast causes hunger pains, binge eating and irritability. Even if all you eat is a piece of toast with peanut butter on it as you run out the door, the fuel you give your body in the morning will help you function better all day long.

Every Day Health Tip #4 - Eat the Whole Grain

Switch your bread and bread products to whole grain varieties. There are tons of new varieties available in the grocery store. The whole grains are healthier for your heart, help to cut your risk of cancer and the fiber help you feel fuller. Fiber is also extremely important for keeping your body working correctly. It's an easy change to make, even if you eat out for lunch every day. Ask for wheat bread on any sandwich or sub that you eat. Buy whole wheat bread, bagels and muffins to keep at home and plan to try several varieties until you find one that tastes great for you.

Every Day Health Tip #5 - Get Moving

Exercise is important, not just for weight loss but for the healthy running of your body. Do something every day to get your body moving. This can be as simple as walking an extra block on your way to work, getting up and walking around the living room during commercials or going outside to play with your kids or dog on the weekend. Start off small and incorporate this exercise into your daily life. As your body gets used to moving more, you can add more exercise and start a real routine. The more you move your body, the more you can do.

Every Day Health Tip #6 - Sit Down to Eat

And not on the couch in front of the television. Make an effort to sit down at the table to eat your meals. This allows you to concentrate on your food. When your body tells you that you are full, listen. Instead of paying attention tot he latest episode of your favorite show on TV, pay attention to your body. By paying attention to your body, you will be able to stop overeating and enjoy your food. As you pay more attention to the tastes of your food, you will enjoy eating different foods and experimenting with healthier versions of old favorites.

Every Day Health Tip #7 - Hydrate

Drink water. Instead of grabbing a soda when you are thirsty, grab a glass of water. The calories, sugars and chemicals in sodas can do major harm to your body. Even diet soda is full of preservatives, chemicals and sugar substitutes that will pollute your body. Drinking water keeps your body hydrated, allows it to flush toxins from your system, will help boost your metabolism and help you loose weight. If you need flavoring, flavor your water yourself with a little bit of lemon or fruit juice. Commercial flavored waters are sometimes full of excess sugars and sodium that are bad for you.

Every Day Health Tip #8 - Eat Greener

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Try to eat fruits and veggies for snacks as well as at main meals. Instead of a candy bar, grab an apple. The sugars in fruits are just as full of energy, but are healthier for your body. Many Americans do not get their daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Don't just open an extra can of peas at night either, try to add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet as they are higher in vitamins and nutrients and have no preservatives added. Eat organic if you can and pay attention to the flavors. You will be amazed at the differences in taste between canned, fresh and organic products.

Every Day Health Tip #9 - Supplement Your Health

Take a multi-vitamin every day. If you can, talk to your doctor about the best vitamins for you to take. Some supplements do not dissolve in your system and do you no good, some vitamin supplements are not necessarily needed for every person and some times we can get too much of certain vitamins. A good, basic multi-vitamin would be fine to take without a doctor's approval and the boost to your health and energy should be noticeable to you right away.

Every Day Health Tip #10 - Go Meatless

Not everyone is able to make the transition to a vegetarian lifestyle. That's perfectly fine. But, try to go meatless at least once a week. The decrease in meat consumption will help you to become healthier. Lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure are great side effects to a lower meat diet. Start with one meal at a time and when you get used to that, cut meat from another meal. You can also cut back on the amount of meat served in a meal by using half of the meat called for in a recipe or by substituting beans or a soy product for part of the meat called for. By starting off gradually, the reduction in the amount of meat that you eat will be hardly noticeable to you and your family. And the health benefits are wonderful.

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