Friday 19 April 2013

Do not Let Your Ruin Supplements

Do not Let Your Ruin Supplements

The phenomenon of the use of vitamins and health supplements lately increasingly widespread alone. Within a year, consumers could spend their money up to hundreds of millions of dollars to buy vitamins or supplements in order to maintain health. Even in the UK, the cost of spending a supplement to reach 300 million pounds, or approximately Rp.540 billion a year.

But who would have thought behind the use of vitamins and supplements there was a risk that lurk. Some research has often linked the use of supplements with risk of cancer and stroke. A number of drug regulatory agencies and health care products will also warn of the dangers of illegal drug residues.

Glucosamine is widely used to treat joint pain or muscle, are also under the spotlight. A court in Scotland for example, is currently still conducting an investigation to prove whether these drugs cause the death of patients with liver failure. Meanwhile, vitamin E, which is often claimed as an antioxidant to prevent cancer, according to a study in the U.S. can actually increase the risk of lung tumors.

Medicinal plant called ginkgo biloba is touted nutritious treat dementia, also according to a study published in the journal Neurology last week allegedly potentially trigger a stroke. While the Foods Standards Agency in the UK last week dubious royal jelly as a food that can boost immunity.

To obtain the maximum benefit from vitamins or supplements, you should eat wisely. It would be better if first consulted with a doctor you trust.

But for your information, you also should know what are the advantages and disadvantages that a type of vitamin or supplement. By doing so, you will be more cautious in using it.

Here are eight types of the most popular vitamins or supplements that are considered to have advantages and disadvantages.


+: Serves as an antioxidant that protects cells from damage, vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds. Many studies have shown that eating foods containing vitamin E can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

-: There was no significant evidence of the benefits of supplemental vitamin E. In fact, researches conducted by researchers at John Hopkins University in the U.S. indicate that vitamin E could potentially increase the risk of heart disease by 10 percent. Last week, studies also indicate an increased risk of lung cancer by 28 percent.

Vitamin B6

+: British Medical Journal reported that a dose of 100 mg of vitamin B6 can relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Some research has also linked the intake of folic acid and vitamin B8, which are found in meat and fish eggs, with a reduced risk of heart disease and stomach cancer.

-: Although the consumption of foods high in vitamin B6 levels were associated with a lower risk of heart disease, there is no evidence that taking vitamin B6 pills have the same effect. Large-scale study in Norway showed taking vitamin B6 and folic actually increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by 20 percent. High doses can also cause nerve damage.

St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)

+: Trust tradition says this herb is able to fight witchcraft. Typically, this herb is used to nourish the nervous system and protects the nerve cells in the body. This herb is used to relieve hypertension and blood circulation.

-: One of the UK alternative medicine expert, Professor Edzard Ernst, of the Peninsula Medical School Plymouth warned that St John's wort can reduce the effectiveness of prescription drugs such as warfarin or other blood thinning medications, pills or anti-cancer drugs surgery. Avoid this herb if you suffer from epilepsy or asthma.

Royal Jelly

+: Viscous fluid produced by bee’s young bee larvae as a food ingredient and specialty food queen bee has been proven to kill bacteria in laboratory tests. This substance also contains protein and vitamin C and is claimed to boost the immune although there is no solid evidence.

-: There is a history of problems caused by drug residues which are made from royal jelly. Provision of drugs with excessive doses in animals whose products are consumed by humans will potentially cause health problems. This substance is also thought to cause potentially lethal reactions. In Australia, royal jelly supplements packaging with warning labels mandatory following a case of 11-year-old boy who died from asthma consume.


+: Two large studies show glucosamine can relieve pain and improve mobility in patients with osteoarthritis. The evidence is so convincing that the U.S. National Institutes of Health plans to hold further research.
-: Quality and strength glucosamine products varies. Glucosamine also appears to be effective only when combined with a compound called chondroitin.

Ginkgo Biloba

+: While some research shows the negative effects, Prof Ernst believed that ginkgo remains efficacious. He stressed, when researchers crossed participants who do not eat on a regular basis, there are approximately 68 percent reduced risk of memory problems after taking ginkgo.

-: Prof Ernst said more studies need to be done considering the case of stroke in a study due to clots, instead of bleeding - which may be due to the role of ginkgo in thin the blood. For this reason, ginkgo supplements should not be taken with aspirin, warfarin or other blood thinners. Also avoid before surgery. 

Kava Kava

+: A drink made from Kava-kava root extract has been known for centuries as a natural tranquilizer. Some research, including that conducted by Prof. Ernst, proved to be effective against anxiety.

-: Following the deaths from liver damage among patients drink kava supplements, herbal is banned in the UK, but still supplements in pill form can be obtained via the Internet.
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

+: Black Cohosh is a kind of wild plants like evergreen shrubs throughout the year. Part of the plant used as a medicinal plant is the dried root and rhizome. Although research supporting the benefits of this herb is still small, historically, the American Indians have always been used for a variety of conditions, ranging from issues of femininity to rattlesnake bites. U.S. researchers conducting a review of research suggests that there is sufficient evidence that this herbal extract can relieve the symptoms of menopause. A recent study in France also found that black cohosh extract is able to stop the growth of breast cancer cells.

-: Following reports of liver damage, Agency for Drugs and Health Care Products UK (MHRA) has asked manufacturers to include a warning label would risk the threat of the use of these types of supplements.

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