Saturday 13 April 2013

10 Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Rare adult who suffered deep sleep. Because 44 percent of adults and parents are having trouble sleeping. Sleeping less than 6-7 hours per day has become a bad habit of many people.

When bedtime is quite indispensable so that the body had time to do a recovery and so have the power to run the daily activities the next day.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton said lack of sleep or not sleep soundly can be detrimental to health and reducing the harmony with a partner.

Sleep disorders can be associated with various diseases, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and bad mood, decreased productivity both in the Office and on the road home.

According to Ashton, improve sleep quality can improve the quality of sex life. And as reported by from CBS News, there are a number of ways you can improve the quality of sleep, among other things:

1. Limit Caffeine consumption 
simply put, caffeine can make a person stay awake. The effects of caffeine can last as long as eight hours in the body. So, by drinking a cup of coffee at night will still keep people awake. Don't drink coffee at least four to six hours before bedtime may help to get good quality.

2. Avoid alcohol as alcohols initially sleep AIDS 
Originally alcohol can help sleep, but also cause sleep disturbances, making sleep less soundly. Drinking alcohol before bed are more likely to make you wake up at night.

3. Relax before bed time 
Stress not only makes you sad, but also upset the peace of sleep. Do some type of ritual pre-sleep about 10 minutes up to an hour it can relieve stress, such as relaxation and light reading, meditation, aromatherapy, light stretch, or a warm bath can also help you get better sleep?

4. Do sports at the right time
Do sports at the exact time of regular exercise can help to get a good sleep at night. The time and intensity of the sport also seems to play a role in the effect of sleep. If you are the type of people who get energy or become more active after a workout, so it is best not to do sports at night. Regular exercise in the morning can even help overcome insomnia.

5. Keep the bedroom stays quiet, dark, and comfortable
for most people, a little bit of sound or light alone is can interfere with sleep, like the sound of a cat and the glow of laptops or television. Use earplugs, curtains, bedding, window air conditioner (AC) or anything that could create an ideal sleeping environment. And do not use lamp if you awaken at night, because his speech he could trigger the risk of cancer, instead use the lights to sleep alone. The ideal temperature for the bedroom is between 20 to 23 degrees Celsius. Temperatures above 24 or below 12 degrees Celsius can interfere with the comfort of sleeping.

6. Eat well,
sleeps well don’t go to bed with an empty stomach, but avoid heavy meals also before bed. Some foods can help sleep is a low-fat milk contains tryptophan, tuna fish, halibut, avocado, almond, egg, peach, pumpkin, walnuts, apricots, wheat, asparagus, potatoes, and bananas. Also avoid drinking too much water in the evening, because it can make you wake up in the middle of the night to the bathroom.

7. Limit nicotine
Smoke before going to sleep, although relaxing, actually putting the stimulant into the blood stream. The effect is similar to caffeine, nicotine and nicotine can make you wake up in the middle of the night. This must be avoided by not smoking a cigarette before going to bed.

8. Avoid NAPs
NAP can make matters worse if you have sleep disorders. If you want to sleep, try not too long, just 15 to 20 minutes after 8 hours from the time of getting up early.

9. Keep pets from the pet bed is to sleep with you?
This can make you wake up in the middle of the night because of allergies or the movement of animals. It is best to put them on the floor not in your bed.

10. Avoid watching TV, eating, or discussion that fishing emotions
in bed should only be used for sleep and sex. If not, you may close the day with activities that are disturbing and difficult to sleep and also makes you lazy and couples to have sex.

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