Tuesday 30 April 2013

5 Foods to Avoid When Reducing Weight

When you want to lose weight, the most important thing is to eat lots of healthy foods and avoiding bad food variety. Some food is fattening affect the body but we are often not aware of when taking it. Thus, while there is no such ban food consumption, it will be easier to eat again and again. Menu list of foods to avoid when trying to lose weight the following, could be your reference.

Soft drinks

Soft drinks are one of the foods that provide the impact of obesity, belly fat, and even heart disease. By consuming soda, then you will experience an increase in calories galore. Meanwhile, the liver will not process sugars that contain a lot of calories. Liver prefers to process soda beforehand, so that the large calorie sugars will accumulate in the body and could not be processed.

Fast food

You need to know, that in the fast food, there is the number of calories you should consume throughout the day. True, that these foods contain lots of calories with most fats, proteins, and sugars high.


Although it was delicious, the fried foods you must avoid. When you really love the various fried, then the best solution is to apply the oil replacement. Olive oil or olive oil may be the best solution so that you can find along with a low calorie food taste so delicious.

Low-fat milk
Low-fat milk is a good food to get the levels of vitamin D, calcium, and protein. With low-fat predicate, of course you do not have to fear of obesity. Because these foods contain fewer bad fats and low in cholesterol.

White bread

Not a good behavior when you eat white bread on a regular basis every morning when dieting. Because, white bread contains more simple carbohydrates like rice and has too many valuable nutrients are lost. A better solution is to lose weight while eating wheat bread with fiber and complex carbohydrates higher.

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