Friday 12 April 2013

Signs Of Pregnancy The First Week

What are the admission criteria of the signs of pregnancy the first week or signs of the earliest 2 weeks pregnant? The complete can you know as it will be published the following:

Experiencing nausea and vomiting 

Is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy for women is going to experience nausea and vomiting? Nausea symptoms will be experienced without knowing the time. Meaning that the symptoms of nausea and vomiting will be experienced by one woman who's been pregnant, good morning, noon and night.

Frequent urination

Symptoms of early pregnancy will also be marked by pee every time. Because the amount of blood and fluids during pregnancy increases, resulting in an additional liquid is processed by the kidneys and the urinary bladder.

The occurrence of slight bleeding

Of partially pregnant women will also experience a bit of bleeding around the vagina. This bleeding occurs because of the fertilized egg into the uterine lining. Bleeding that occurs is very light as the emergence of blood spots, pink or brownish spotting only nodal redness.

Improve sensitivity to construction

Most pregnant women will also experience a sensitivity to smell certain scents. Sometimes they will feel disgusted with certain smells like coffee, food or smell farfum that endeared him greatly.

Quickly feel tired

Person pregnant in early first week will often feel sudden exhaustion. This is caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone. So many signs of pregnancy first weeks for one woman. But to make sure that you have positive pregnant or not, then you should have to use a pregnancy test. The use of the best pregnancy test about 2 weeks after getting my period late. If the above signs remain but the result is negative, try to repeat it again a few days later.

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