Monday 15 April 2013

How to Eliminate Cellulite Thighs

Almost every adult is exposed to the name of cellulite, especially women. Since most cellulite appears on someone who is pregnant or become pregnant, the people who have more weight, in women who are menstruating (hence the caution for women who stopped coming months, do not like scratching hehe), etc.. Cellulite is probably not a disease, when viewed from the top that the prominent accumulation of fat in the bottom so it looks like the wrinkling of skin (like an orange peel) as a result of the narrowing of the connective tissue. So in general, cellulites are caused by excess fat, and usually appear or appear vulnerable in the thighs, hips, buttocks, and stomach. So one way to eliminate cellulite by keeping the diet, and of course a healthy way of life as well as sport.

From several references to the appropriate diet as a way to eliminate cellulite transactions are carried out like this:

1. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day
One serving is equivalent to about 250 g of the large pieces of fruit such as watermelon, one medium size fruit such as apples or oranges, or two tablespoons of vegetable.

2. Eating some types of protein sources, at least three times a day
The recommended protein foods such as chicken without the skin, fish, beans, or red meat that has been defatted. Its function is to help stabilize blood sugar for longer than just carbs. And avoid snacking habits sugary foods, which can cause cellulite.

3. Eat five or six times a day
Great meal three times a day it will cause psychological hunger. Better you eat more frequent, but smaller portions. If you still feel hungry afterwards, remember that you will eat two hours later.

4. Multiply drinking avoid excessive caffeine
Every day, drink eight glasses of water or one liter of water. If you're like coffee, it should be limited to a cup every day, consuming caffeine in small amounts can help facilitate the circulation and metabolism in the body.

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, how to naturally remove cellulite thighs can be done as follows:

1. Skin Exfoliation
Combine handful coarse rock salt flakes with 2 tablespoons olive oil, and apply on the body and rub with a circular direction.
Exfoliation benefits:
Scrape off dead skin cells, encouraging the removal of toxins from the body, helps break down cellulite / prevent cellulite.

2. Skin brushing
Use a sponge bath or body brush with natural bristles instead of synthetic fur, complete approximately 5 minutes for the entire body from toe to the base of the arm.

3. Massage
Massaging the cellulite affected area once or 2 times per day will increase blood and lymph circulation, thus minimizing the incidence of disguise cellulite or cellulite.

4. Sport
Exercise helps improve circulation and get rid of toxins and toning sagging body muscles. Do some exercise movements that can eliminate cellulite on the thighs and buttocks.
There is a mention that the coffee grounds can also remove cellulite, and it turns out there are many references on how to eliminate cellulite with coffee grounds, be regarded as a more traditional way.

The first way is by mixing 1 cup of coffee grounds that are still new with 1 egg white and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, then apply on the cellulite and massage in a circular motion, then rinse. Or it could be once applied, wrap with plastic and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Try to do 3 times a week.

The second way is mix ¼ cup of warm coffee grounds with olive oil, then apply on a cloth or towel, then massage on the affected cellulite. Apply 2 times a week.
The third way is mix the coffee grounds with liquid soap or body lotion. Apply on the affected part of the body of cellulite, let stand a few minutes, then rinse. Do it every day.

Companions can try to try out the how to get rid of cellulite, as I mentioned above, oh yeah ... if these methods are too cumbersome to try, now available busting cellulite cream that you can find on the market, or other drug stores, but I encourage you to buy a cream that is a mixture of caffeine.

If after a while cellulite is not lost, either in a natural way, using traditional or cream, maybe it's because being experienced not cellulite but it could be stretch marks, which is a sign of scarring in the form of white streaks arising from the stretching of the skin. So to have the cure stretch marks removal cream, or with measures busting treatment of stretch marks.

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