Friday 12 April 2013

How To Know The Fertile Woman

Here is some info know the fertile in females, as for how to calculate the fertile in females this is explained either traditionally or with the use of medical equipment.

How to know the Fertile with the calendar system 
Way know the fertile with calendar system is the traditional way which is already done since the tens and even hundreds of years ago. As for the steps that should be carried out using this method was noting Your menstrual cycle in the last 3 months in a row, that is precisely the date you first experience the coming months. Calculation of the fertile by this method is based on the fertile or when ovulation occurs on day 14 of the menstruation and reduced 2 days because sperm can live for 48 hours after ejaculation and added 2 days because eggs can live for 24 hours after ovulation. So for example the cycle of 28 days, and her last menstruation occurs on 1, on her period the next month was the 28th. Thus, the estimated time of your ovulation, i.e. in the middle of the menstrual period, this is March 14. So, the fertile soil is at about 12 to 16. The weakness of this method is not appropriate when it's done for women who have irregular menstrual cycles. The menstrual cycle is irregular, it will certainly be difficult in assessing fertile period in this manner.

How to know the Fertile Mucus by assessing uterine 
Estrogen hormones are generally reached its peak at the time of ovulation to occur and affect the uterus mucous. Before ovulation the mucus of the uterus usually get rather dilute and when we handle them with two fingers form a clear and colorful yarn.

How to know the Fertile with a Urine test
Can also be done by a urine test. In this way it became one of the most frequently performed of late. With equipment made possible as well as the easy test pack for pregnancy. Consumers stay put the urine sample into the tool to detect the luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation.

Know the Fertile with Ovulation Tests Tool 
This tool is available free in pharmacies for sale or drug store. As for the function of this tool is to assess the productive person who conducted the test predicted fertile period or ovulation. Tool test works by measuring the levels of the hormone LH are produced during ovulation. This tool is used as a pregnancy test but of course it costs more expensive.

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