Tuesday 28 May 2013

List of Foods Containing High Calcium

We all know that food is a food that contains calcium which is very important. It is a nutrient needed for strong teeth and bones. most people associate calcium with consumption of cow's milk, but many studies revealed that calcium can be produced from a variety of food sources. Below, there are several sources of foods containing high calcium.


Several types of green vegetables have calcium levels that are so high and so worthy crowned as the source of calcium. You will find such a high calcium in spinach with 56 mg for every cup. For 100 grams of mustard, then you will get 145mg of calcium. Also, for a serving of kale, there would be 139 mg of calcium.


One cup of freshly squeezed organic orange juice is able to provide 72 mg of calcium. Because, in addition to vitamin C, then you also will get so high amounts of calcium, potassium, vitamin A, and beta carotene.


One cup of cooked quinoa has offered about 60 to 100 mg of calcium. Also, these foods contain a high amount of potassium, zinc, and protein.


Nuts have calcium with a high enough level. There is 442 mg per 100 grams of nuts for nuts. White bean is a bean type with such a high level of calcium. Most white beans has about 175 mg of calcium in each serving.


In one cup of broccoli, then you will get 74 mg of calcium. Also, broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C, and offers a high amount of vitamin K, vitamin A, and folate.

Dried fruit

Dried fruits are able to offer up to 135 mg for dried fruit category 5. In addition to dried fruit, almonds used as snacks also contains calcium which is very high. Because in 100 grams of almonds, you will get 266mg of calcium.

That's some milk meal replacement you can count on in order to get calcium. Hopefully the information about dietary calcium is able to help you.

Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth

Are you one of those people who do not like cleansing his teeth, but continue to consume sweet foods, or foods that are easy to slip on teeth? Be careful because you will experience tooth decay. Dental health is one important thing because if you are experiencing dental pain, it can spread to other parts of the body including nerve damage to the brain.

Diligent cleaning teeth, one of them with regular brushing plaque and leftover food that can be wasted on the sidelines of your teeth. Did you know that plaque is mixed with carbohydrate foods can cause acid substances that can create cavities? Well, with these simple ways, hopefully you can better maintain dental health.

Nutritional Balance

We tend to consume more carbs than other foods such as fruits or vegetables. It is a habit that must be changed in a way to balance nutrition. Eat carbohydrates in moderation and mix with vitamins and minerat on fruits and vegetables.

Limit sugar

Additional sugar in the juice, ice cream, tea or coffee can form acid on the teeth. You are advised to limit consumption of sugar so that dental health can be maintained.

Avoid milk bottle

If your child continues to use a bottle of milk, then it will be too long teeth exposed carbohydrates so it is not good for dental health. You are advised to replace the bottle into the glass so that he avoid contact with carbohydrates in a long period of time.

Diligent toothbrush

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day allows you to abolishing plaque that can create acid. Also, to create a healthy tooth surface, try using dental floss every two or three times a day.

Do not smoke

Damage such as tooth yellowing teeth, and mouth disorders can be caused by continued tobacco consumed by smokers.

Check teeth regularly

Tooth is one of the important assets that must be maintained. Therefore, regular maintenance is necessary and good that you can get healthy teeth. Consult a doctor to the teeth every 6 months so that the symptoms can be prevented in advance. Take care of dental health for the sake of a better future.

Olive Oil Benefits For Cancer Prevention

Since long, olive oil has been known as one of the potent drug. Previously, juice of fresh olives is known as indigestion drugs and mental illness. From this, the researchers then conducted a number of studies and produced results convincing enough. Proved that by adding olive oil which is actually rich in vitamin E and antioxidants into your diet, the digestive system will be protected from the dangers of colon cancer.

Some info study which states that the benefits of olive oil is recommended for various types of cancer. Here is the explanation.

Olive oil plays a role in breast cancer

There is a study that applied in 2564 women with breast cancer. The study was published in November 1995. The study showed that there is an inverse correlation between the risks of breast cancer with the consumption of olive oil. This is a process that gives a big hand in protecting your body from breast cancer.

August 1998, a study published by the Archives of Internal Medicine Magazine. The researchers made clear that taking a tablespoon of olive oil can reduce the risk of breast cancer up to 45% levels.

Olive oil plays a role in cancer Rahim

A cancer in the United Kingdom magazine published a study conducted by 145 Greek women with uterus cancer in their body. Then, they gave a correlation between women who get cervical cancer with women who consume lots of olive oil. Apparently, women who consumed olive oil less affected by cervical cancer. Where the likelihood of cancer in them down to 26%.

Olive oil plays a role in stomach cancer

A number of modern scientific studies show that consumption of olive oil regularly can reduce the occurrence of gastric cancer. But still required further scientific studies on this subject.

Olive oil plays a role in Colon Cancer

There are also some studies that show that eating fruits, vegetables, and olive oil, play an important role in protecting the body against colon cancer.

Olive oil plays a role in skin cancer

Dertmatdogg Times magazine explains that the use of olive oil to serve as a very good skin cream to use after swimming and sunbathing. How this is done is also to protect the occurrence of skin cancer.

A little olive oil benefits are incredible this might be an important part of your life. Good luck.

Powerful 8 Foods to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer has become a scourge for men and is still a frightening disease. Indeed, this disease remains a cancer can be prevented by a variety of ways including the food. There is strong evidence that eating certain foods can significantly reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer. Here is a list of 8 prostate protectors:

Eating three or more servings of vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collards, and Brussels sprouts per week can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by nearly 50 percent.

Pomegranate juice

Research suggests that pomegranate juice slows the growth of prostate cancer in mice.

Studies show that turmeric may prevent prostate and slow its progress, especially when eaten with cauliflower.


Studies in rats have shown that flaxseed can prevent and slow the spread of cancer.

Green tea
In some studies, green tea has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are one of nature's best sources of selenium, a mineral that is the prevention of prostate cancer. Experts say that eating an extra 200 mcg of selenium per day will reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 50 percent. Only a handful of Brazil nuts per day will satisfy this requirement.

Garlic has been shown in some studies to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 53 percent. Garlic also contains a fairly high amount of selenium.


One study showed that eating just 1/10 ounce per man leeks cut the risk of prostate cancer by 70 percent.

Tomatoes are one of the best sources of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown in some studies to have a protective effect against prostate cancer. Although a recent study has created some doubts about the effects of lycopene protection against prostate cancer, but there is a foundation of research that says previous studies is still valid and continues to recommend that men should eat foods that contain lots of lycopene.

Monday 27 May 2013

4 Benefits of Green Tea for Women

Green tea is a high quality plant and has a special treatment process that is very real benefits for the body. Is a plant that comes from tea leaves by the Latin name Camelia sinesis. In Japan, you will find this plant with a variety of Janis and some of which are matcha, sencha, kabusecha, Bancha, and hojicha. Benefits of green tea for women have been known since ancient times. Below are 4 important benefits of green tea for the women.

Benefits of green tea to cope with breast cancer

A study conducted in Japan has examined breast cancer patients with type 1 and type 2. They found that women who consume up to 5 cups of green tea a day experiencing pain reduced. The woman with the green tea, find that they can reduce pain by up to 50 percent more than those without.

Benefits of green tea for the chance of pregnancy

A study conducted on 3600 women in Denmark said that women who drank green tea with a rate two to three times a day have a greater chance of pregnancy than those without.

Benefits of green tea for dieting

Overweight has become one of the bullies her appearance. As a result, women do not feel confident and the most important thing is his health. You can rely on green tea as a solution in the diet. Because green tea contains antioxidant-rich, making it much more optimal fat burning.

To get the benefits, you do not have to take up to five cups every day. Because with just two cups a day, you have to burn 70 calories per day.

Benefits of green tea after menopause

Green tea has benefit in reducing postmenopausal bone loss. Assumption in turns has been demonstrated in a study conducted at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. In that study, the researchers focus on post-menopausal women and the result was positive that women can increase their bone strength.

5 Rules of Eating That Keep Your Body Healthy

Health of the body is a thing that really should come first in every second of your life. However, most people still have the wrong mindset about it and they think that health can be bought on the cheap. If you want a healthy body comes to you consistently, try to do some tips below.

Consuming healthy foods

Eat foods with a little amount of calories but with healthy nutrients and keep your body fitness. The key is to consume organic fruits regularly, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. If you are a person who always eats fast food, then stop it immediately, because the food is included in the high-calorie foods, but does not have the nutrients for good health.

Eat the right portion

Eat a portion that is not too much and not too full, because by eating too much, then you will gain weight continues to rise. Try to eat small meals at a time but within a period not too long. You are better off eating in a period every 3 to 4 hours but it was in small portions, instead of eating three times a day by the number of servings that very much.

Focus on your food

Eat foods with a focus, meaning that it would be better if you pay attention than do other activities such as watching TV. If you do not focus on the food consumed, then you will be difficult to measure the extent of the portion which has been consumed, and this could lead to weight gain.

Eat with family

Support each other, especially on the issue of healthy foods will be easier when done together. Therefore, it is advisable for you to eat with the family and then remind each other to keep the intake of food to stay healthy.

Keep the contents of your kitchen

To get food to stay healthy, and then fill your kitchen with foods that have the best nutrition, and do not fill the fridge with bad food or you will be tempted.

Find 10 Benefit Dandelion Here!

Dandelion is more often regarded as a weed of food, but it actually has many medicinal properties and benefits of dandelion have been widely recognized. Although the leaves are the most frequently consumed part of the dandelion plant, flower petals, roots and stems are edible as well. Here are 10 health benefits of dandelion are very good for your health.

Cancer Prevention

Antioxidants in dandelions helps prevent free radical damage to cells, a condition that is often associated with an increased risk of cancer. Dandelion is also believed to help detoxify the body, the other benefits are believed to help reduce the risk of cancer.

High in Antioxidants

Dandelion leaves contain two antioxidants with high levels of vitamins C and luteolin. Antioxidants help prevent free radical damage to the body's cells, which may be associated with cancer, heart disease and other health problems.


Dandelion is a natural diuretic that strong. By consuming dandelion, you will be able to stimulate and dispose of toxins in the body. Diuretics are useful in cleaning toxins from the liver and highly beneficial for people with diabetes to help lower blood sugar levels.

Heart Health

Diuretic properties that exist in the dandelion helps cleanse the liver of toxins. Compounds found in dandelion can also help the flow of bile and stimulates the liver and digestive system to function better. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and luteolin also considered good for healthy liver function.

Bone health

Dandelion is rich in calcium and vitamin C. Both of these nutrients are important for maintaining bone density and proper growth.

Improve Digestion

Dandelion helps stimulate the liver, increase the flow of bile and helps facilitate digestion. It can also stimulate the appetite, acts as a natural laxative, relieve gas and prevent constipation.

Skin Health

Dandelion sap is believed to be an effective treatment for acne, itchy skin and eczema. It may also be effective against skin diseases such as tinea versicolor and ringworm.

Weight Loss

Dandelion may contribute to weight loss as urine helps rid the body of excess fat. Dandelion also contains a good amount of fiber, which helps to balance the metabolism and weight stabilize.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Natural diuretics like dandelion are believed to help lower blood pressure. Content of potassium and fiber in dandelion can also cause a decrease in blood pressure levels.

3 Ways to Prevent and Overcome Anemia Disease

Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells in your body is reduced. Whereas, the red blood cells is an element that is as important as scanner oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Some of the most common symptoms are weakness, fatigue, poor concentration, pale skin, mild depression, and increased risk of infection. This disease occurs because you lack three essential substances are iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Here are tips that can help you.

Eating Foods Rich in Iron Will

Women with menstrual state, do not like vegetables, experiencing chronic dietary problems, and a lot of strenuous activity usually iron deficiency thus more susceptible to anemia. To fix this, you can consume some foods that are important such as:

  • Oysters and clams
  • Organ meats such as beef liver
  • Sardines, tuna, and shrimp
  • Digit
  • Grape juice (without sugar or preservatives)
  • Apricots, peaches, plums and raisins
  • Pumpkin seeds

Wide variety of vegetables and vitamin C is also very important to put in your daily diet. Because of their ability to prevent free radicals, as well as improve the quality of healthcare.

Eating Foods Rich in Vitamin B12 Will

This vitamin deficiency makes sure you experience anemia. In fact, the lack of a period of long-term and potentially cause permanent brain damage to the central nervous system. Vitamin B12 can be found in a variety of the following foods:

  • Clams, oysters, and mussels
  • Beef and beef liver
  • Seafood and fish (especially caviar, octopus, mackerel, herrking, salmon, tuna, cod, sardines, trout bluefish,. Crab and lobster)
  • Sheep
  • Cheese
  • Eggs

Consuming foods rich in folate

In addition to Vitamin B12 deficiency, you also may be deficient in folate. To prevent that, it is very easy because you only have to consume a variety of foods below.
  • Lentils, beans and peas
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach
  • Asparagus and corn
That's three kinds of solutions that you can do in order to prevent and overcome disease anemia.

8 The Powerful Benefits of Chocolate for Health

Benefits of chocolate could be so diverse and so devastating for health. In fact, that much we know is chocolate is one food destroyer teeth, especially for children. However, many chocolate products which do not provide optimal benefits and would be better if you consume cocoa directly. But behind it, chocolate still contains so many benefits that you know. Check out the explanation in this article.

High antioxidant

Cocoa contains flavanols, a type of flavonoids that are found only in cocoa and chocolate. Flavonoids are a compound in plant foods that act as antioxidants and help counteract free radicals in the body.

Blood pressure

Dark chocolate has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

Natural Anti-Depressant

Chocolate contains serotonin, a natural anti-depressant. Chocolate also stimulates endorphin production, which creates a feeling of happiness and pleasure. In fact, one study found that melting chocolate in the mouth produced feelings of pleasure longer than passionate kiss. This may explain why many people naturally reach the chocolate when they are depressed.


Some studies have found chocolate to be one of the best cancer-fighting foods along with foods such as red wine, blueberries, garlic, and tea. Chocolate works as a cancer fighter by inhibiting cell division and reducing inflammation cancer.


Research has found that the theobromine in chocolate can prevent tooth decay by eliminating streptococcus mutants, a bacterium found in the oral cavity that contributes to tooth decay.

Rich in magnesium

Cocoa is a food that is high in magnesium, an essential mineral that helps in the regulation of the digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Because many people are deficient in magnesium, with added magnesium of course chocolate can improve overall health.


Research has shown that the antioxidants in cacao work like brooms sweep clean of plaque in the arteries.

Brain Health

Many studies have shown that dark chocolate is good for the brain. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that these foods may protect the brain after a stroke by protecting nerve cells from further damage. Dark chocolate has also been found to be used to improve memory. The Salk Institute researchers in California found that chemicals in chocolate called epicatechin can improve the memory of mice.

5 Behavior Preventing Diabetes What You Should Do

Prevent diabetes should be done by anyone, no matter if you are a teenager or an adult. Because diabetes is now more vulnerable to attack someone with different lifestyles and unhealthy eating patterns. But you still can avoid it, by doing 5 healthy behaviors below, hopefully as early as possible diabetes can be avoided.

Enough sleep

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago proved that people who sleep less than 6 hours each day will be prone to the disease. Also, you are advised to maximize your sleep with a minimum of seven hours.

Increase Fiber

Fiber contained in fruits and vegetables can slow the flow of glucose in the blood. By eating more fiber often, then you can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 11 percent. Also, when you want to eat sweet foods, it is recommended to consume fruits like apples, or pears. Meanwhile, broccoli and spinach are excellent in the vegetables with high fiber content.

Stay away from Stress

Stress is not just a psychological situation that bothers us, but it also lead to diabetes. When you experience stress, your body releases hormones that can raise blood sugar. Thus, it is very advisable to listen to music, deep breathing, and meditation in order to relieve stress.

Consuming Omega 3

When you consume omega-3 fatty acids, then your blood sugar will be more controlled. Get the best omega 3 by eating sardines and salmon. It is recommended to consume at least one serving of content every week.

Simply Sports

To process carbohydrates into energy, you should implement sufficient and regular exercise. Does not need to be difficult, simply by jogging for 30 minutes in the period between 3 to 4 times each week.

Consuming Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient which is good for preventing diabetes. It is recommended, you should consume vitamin D to levels between 1000 to 2000 IU per day through fish and supplements. Also, in addition to this, do not forget to bask in the sun in the morning so that you get more supply of vitamin D and may prevent diabetes

7 Ways to Overcome Insomnia Proven Successful

How do I cope with insomnia? Perhaps this question comes in our mind a lot today. Sleep disorder called insomnia is more common in modern society and usually occur because of stress, anxiety, or even depression. When you difficult to sleep, there are some tips below as a powerful way to overcome insomnia.

Fixed period of sleep

You need to know how many hours of sleep or periods of sleep you need. Some people can sleep comfortably with only a few hours, but it is not likely you need 9 hours of sleep. Also, keep no sleep and what time does it with fixed.

Adjust your lifestyle

You need to do a good routine as eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, and doing other things that balancing your health behavior. You should know that the activities carried out during the day, and then you will feel more tired and go to bed when night falls.

Avoid sleeping in the afternoon

To get good quality sleep, you need to avoid sleeping in the afternoon so that when bedtime can still be used. To pass the time in the afternoon, try to exercise or do any other activity besides sleeping.

Keep cell phones and televisions

You need to concentrate when you want to sleep, so it would be better to not turn on or play around with the phone. Also, turn off the TV is still on, and you will be easier to fall asleep.

Drink milk or eat bananas

It has been proven that milk and bananas are two foods that can be used as a way to overcome insomnia. They have a substance that is needed to accelerate our sleep.

Massage before bed

One way that makes us fast sleep is relaxation, and massage has been regarded as a powerful way to provide a relaxed atmosphere in mind. Also, listen to music and a belly rub with warm water can be a mainstay in addition to massage.

Monotonous activities

Monotonous activities like counting sheep or mention the alphabet backwards might be a powerful trick to try

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea is very good for our health.Green Tea have lot of medical benefits, studies has been touted to help with everything from headaches to depression since Ancient times.

Here we list some of the top health benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Cancer Prevention : Green Tea loaded with antioxidants which helps to fight off many forms of cancers like  breast, colon, colorectal, skin, lung, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, ovarian, prostate and oral cancers. It promotes the growth of new blood cells and damage the cancer causing cells.

Lose Weight : According to studies,consumption of Green Tea helps to increase the rate of calorie burning by the body. It reduces the bad cholesterol,blood fat and detoxifies the body. So the best way to lose weight is having a Green Tea Daily along with regular exercises.

Healthy Heart: Green Tea has the ability to reduce the blood cholesterol and burns the harmful fat of the body. According to japanese research, drinking 4 cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of heart diseases in the men.The flavonoids present in the green tea protect the heart by relaxing the blood vessels so blood can flow more easily and lowers the risk of heart attack.

Anti-Aging : The antioxidant present in the green tea named "Oligomeric proanthocyandins' helps to fight free radicals and promoting longevity.

Boosts Immunity : Green Tea contains Polyphenols and Flavonoids which helps to boost the immune system and makes the human body stronger to fight from various infections. Green tea also helps to relieve from cold and flu as it contains vitamin C.

Diabetes Prevention : Green Tea stabilizes the blood sugar levels. According to studies, Green Tea can be used as a aid for diabetes and can prevent the development of type 1 diabetes.

Neurological Diseases : Green Tea contains polyphenols which helps to boosts the learning and memory power. It also helps in prevention from neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Know the function of Vitamin A

So far we know that the function of vitamin A is associated with eye health. Indeed, this one vitamin that has been shown to contribute to your sense of sight. However, what about the function of the details? Info healthier fitter this time will help you to provide information about the function of vitamin A more complete.

Improve visibility at night

When light enters the lens of the eye, the retina will feel and convert them into nerve impulses. Retina has fotopigmen that serves as a form of adaptation in the eyes see in low light conditions including evenings. With vitamin A, then all these things will be helped because this vitamin stimulates the visual power of the eye.

Trigger the immune system function

Function of white blood cells increases with increased consumption of vitamin A that is constantly. Also, can increase the antibody response to an antigen, and increased antiviral activity. This vitamin also functions as an antioxidant that prevents the growth of cancer cells or other disease in your body.

Normal cell growth and development

Retinoic acid is present in vitamin A can help you to do the synthesis of glycoproteins that control cellular adhesion, cell growth, and cell differentiation.

Nourishes the skin

Vitamin A plays a role in helping the skin to prevent the entry of bacteria and viruses into your body.

Protective intestinal tissue

To get a healthy gut, you need to consume this vitamin. Because one of the functions of vitamin A is protective for colon tissue, stomach, mouth, urogenital tract, and respiratory.

Anti aging

Anti aging is one issue that has always been associated with vitamin E. However, many studies have found that it is also related to vitamin A as one of preventing aging.

That some vitamins function as this one, when you have a deficiency of the vitamin A consumption, it will easily appear serious problems such as dryness of the cornea, bumps on the skin caused by excessive production of keratin, loss of appetite, and bone disorders. Well, have not understood the function of vitamin A more detailed?

Here's 5 Bad Effects Of Staying up late

Staying up late is one of the activities that we often do although sometimes deemed unnecessary. Usually, men are so fond of this activity, and they intersperse through various jokes, chat, or just eat and drink together. Indeed, staying up late is not good to do because it can produce a variety of adverse effects. Here, you will find information on a variety of negative effects caused by too often stay up.

Heart Disease

A study published by the journal Sleep suggests that people who sleep less than 7 hours a night may increase the risk of getting heart disease. In fact, women under the age of 60 years with 5 hours of sleep time may experience an increased risk of heart disease up to 2-fold.


A study from the University of Chicago and Northwestern University suggests that people with type two diabetes with less sleep can increase glucose up to 9 percent higher. Also, startling information coming from the affected diabetic’s insomnia. They can increase the risk of diabetes by 23 percent.

Breast cancer

A Japanese study examined the sample with 24,000 women, and had an age range between 40 years to 79 years. Later, they learned that women with a time less than 6 hours of sleep each night, can increase the risk of breast cancer by up to 62 percent higher.

Colon cancer

Case Western University has conducted a study involving 1,240 people. The study revealed under people who sleep less than 6 hours a night will get up to 47 percent risk of developing colon cancer.


University of Copenhagen made a study conducted with a span of 10 years involving 16,000 people. Here, they get the report so bad because the men who sleep less at risk of death up to 2-fold greater than that having enough sleep.

Saturday 25 May 2013

10 Health Benefits of Carrots

Carrots are very good for health, According to studies carrots have more nutritious supplements than in any other vegetables. Carrot is a storehouse of many nutrients, vitamins and minerals.Carrots are enriched with Vitamins B,C,G, Potassium,iron,magnesium,sodium,manganese,silicon,iodine,sulphur.

Here we list Top 10 Health Benefits of Carrots

For Skin : Carrots are very good for skin. Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Carrots prevents Acne,dry skin,premature wrinkling and helps you to get brighter skin

For Eyes : Carrots are rich sources of Vitamin A and B which helps you to yield a better eye sight.

Cancer : Carrots boosts the immunity power and also helps to combat with cancer.

Bad Cholesterol : By Eating one carrot daily helps you to remove the bad cholesterol from the body.

Brain : Carrots have more calories which helps to boost the memory power of a children.

Stress : To relieve from stress, Drink glass of carrot juice daily.

For a Healthy Heart : Carrots are enriched with Beta-carotene, Alpha-Carotene and Lutein which helps to lower the risk of heart disease.

Cleanse The Body : Carrots have fiber which helps to clean out the colon and reduces the fat in the liver.

Powerful Antiseptic : According to herbalists carrots can be used to prevent infection. They can be applied on cuts- boiled or shredded raw.

Anti-Aging : The Beta-Carotene in the carrots helps to slows down the aging cells in the body.

What Causes And How to Overcome Stomach Bloating?

Of course, not very fun when we're doing activities, especially in formal occasions, and suffered flatulence. There are many causes and ways to overcome flatulence which has been distributed through various sources. below, will be explained in advance the causes of flatulence and then you get a solution.

Causes of Stomach Bloating


Raffinose is found in vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, and asparagus is a cause flatulence. Why is that? Because the substance is composed of galactose, fructose, and glucose, which can produce excess gas.


Milk, cheese, and ice cream contains lactose, and the body has a shortage of the enzyme to digest these substances.


Excess gas will be generated by the fiber produced by the peas.

Chewing gum

Perhaps this is the most important cause flatulence because artificial sweeteners are so difficult to disentangle the intestines. So, the body will have excess gas production and stomach will be bloated.

How to Deal With Stomach Bloating?

Flatulence has certainly made us uncomfortable, and instead of it going much longer. consider how to overcome flatulence in this article.

Slow down your eating

Slow eating and chew thoroughly to make the hull would be better and not store too much air. your stomach will not be congested by food and air because it is the process of mastication has been true.

Avoid fizzy drinks

Beverages such as beer, soda, and sponge cake was widely acknowledged able to store more air inside your stomach and cause stomach bloating.

Do not smoke

Some amount of air will be ingested once you inhale cigarette smoke. Avoid smoking, and you will get more benefits than just a bloated belly.

Choose foods that are easy to digest

Foods such as rice, oranges, grapes, and potatoes are members of the food more digestible. As well, foods you should avoid are cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, and peas.

Eat in small portions

Eating small amounts of food for 6 meals a day is certainly better than you consume 3 times but with large portions.

7 Benefits of Carrots Under It So Important For Your Life

Carrots are a favorite vegetable for people around the world and for the health benefits of carrots certainly cannot doubt. This food is so flexible to be consumed, and you will find them delicious eaten raw, juice. In addition to delicious 7 benefits of carrots in this article is also a strong reason why you should take it.

Cancer Prevention

The high levels of antioxidants in carrots help to reduce the risk of cancer. Studies have found that carrots can help prevent three of the most common types of cancer: breast, lung, and colon cancer.

Better digestion

Carrots are an excellent source of fiber, which is important to keep the digestive system running well. It also helps to make you feel full so you will eat more with less.

Eye Health

Carrots are a source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and is essential for eye health. These foods can improve night vision and prevent eye diseases such as age-related cataracts and macular degeneration.


Vitamin A in carrots helps the skin by helping to get rid of damaged cells and creating new regeneration. Vitamin A also keep the skin protected from harmful UV rays, prevent aging, prevent acne, helps dry skin, and improve skin brightness.

Heart Health

One study found that the risk of heart disease is lowered by 32% in people who eat just 88 ounces of carrots per day. Another study found that those who ate a cup of carrots or squash each day lowered their risk of heart disease by a whopping 60 percent. Some studies have also shown a link between beta-carotene and a reduced risk of heart problems.

Low Cholesterol

Fiber in carrots helps lower cholesterol levels. Magnesium in carrots also helps regulate cholesterol levels.

Weight Loss

Carrots are high in nutrients and low in calories, which mean that you can fill your stomach without eating too many calories. In addition, the benefits of carrots in it help improve metabolic function because they contain nicotine acid to break down lipids and fat present in the body.

List of Food Enhancing Your Sexual Passion

Sometimes, we're having such a high sex drive, but it turns out it is not in line with our partner passion. Some foods below, is believed to help the couple gain the mood and ready to play with you.


Asparagus contains folate, and vitamin B which helps you to produce histamine. The substance used is very important to increase sex drive in men and women.


This is one fruit that can increase libido in both men and women because of the content of potassium in it. Here, you will also get folic acid capable of supplying energy and stamina so you better sexual performance.


If you like spicy food and hot, then the chili is the best choice. Capsaicin substance that is in the chili can improve blood flow and triggers the release of endorphins that can improve mood and pump up your libido naturally.

Goji Berry

The food is very famous in Asia has been said to be able to as a strong sexual tonic. Goji berries increases testosterone levels, which stimulates libido in both men and women. In addition, they increase stamina, mood, pleasure, all of which are essential for optimal sex life.


In addition similar to the male sex, this food also contains an enzyme called Bromelain, an enzyme which is important for your sexual health. Also, a good source of vitamin B, as well as to create a high energy when having sex.


Is common knowledge that chocolate can improve a person's sexual arousal. Research shows that eating chocolate, the women four times more able to increase the release of endorphins.


Wine is a beverage containing antioxidant resveratrol that can increase estrogen in women. Increased estrogen? Means increased libido! Make sure you give organic wine.

Friday 24 May 2013

10 Foods That Burn Fat

Many Often go for gym to reduce their flab. But the most effective and easier method to fight against fat cell is having a healthy diet which burns the fats in your body. Here we list the foods which helps to burn the fat in the body.

1. Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

2. Eggs : Eggs are the rich sources of proteins and low in calories. Eggs helps us to build the muscles and develops the good cholesterol.

3. Apples : Apples are enriched with powerful antioxidants and other supplements. Most importantly it contains Pectin which helps to reduce the fat cells in the body.

4. Green Chillies : Green chillies contains Capsaicin which helps to develop the body growth cells and burns the calories in quick time.

5. Garlic : Garlic contains Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties helps us to reduce the fat and removes the bad cholesterol.

6. Honey : Honey is the best one to burn fat. Add honey in warm water and take it daily in the early morning.

7. Green Tea : Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

8. Wheat Grass : It boosts our metabolism and helps to reduce the fat.

9. Tomatoes : Tomatoes helps us to burn the fat in quick time. It also helps us to stay away from cancer. So Take tomatoes in your diet regularly.

10. Dark Chocolate : Dark chocolate contains Flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood. It boost the growth of serotonin in the blood and also burns the fat.

4 Reasons Why You Should Run Morning Right Now

Jogging is a good way to improve your health. With a morning run, you will be able to create a high cardiovascular benefits and gives strength to your muscles, especially the lower body. Physically, jogging gives better physical condition is much better, as well as various other mental benefits such as relaxation and reduction of anxiety. You do not need to be an expert on running marathons and various other techniques. However, enough to go jogging for 30 minutes, then aka tone of such great benefit. Here, will be mentioned 4 main reasons why you should start jogging now.

Makes the heart stronger

With run, then the capacity of blood circulation and respiratory system you will be much better. Also, it is very good in maintaining physical fitness and ability to a higher level. Because, with the strength of the heart is higher than ever, you will also get a better level of fitness.

Improve the quality of digestion

It turns out, jogging is also effective for improving the digestive system, and help relieve digestive problems. Many people who have digestive problems and then fix it with healthy eating and regular exercise, including jogging.

Lose weight

Jogging is an activity that burns more calories that contribute to weight loss benefits. Also, this activity is able to effectively able to reduce stubborn belly fat. We all know that fat in the belly fat is one that is very difficult to move or reduced. However, with jogging and long-term fitness training, then you will be able to lose weight, including stubborn belly fat.

Improve quality of sleep

Jogging make you sleep better. Because, with fatigue after exercise, you will easily fall asleep and make you able to sleep more soundly. Because, one way to improve the quality of health is sufficient and quality sleep, and jogging is one of the activities that can help you.

4 Reasons Why Bananas For The Right Diet

Banana is one of the most popular fruit in the world, and has enormous benefits in order of decreasing weight. Through bananas, you will get the vitamins, low calorie, high fiber, and many other benefits. Eat a banana diet in order to get a variety of the best benefits for weight loss. Also, here are some reasons that detailed reasons banana diet effective for weight loss.

Banana Very Low Calorie

Bananas are famous food because it has a lot of nutrients in large enough quantities. You will find potassium, magnesium, low calorie, and vitamin B. for low-calorie category, this is evidenced by the discovery made by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They revealed that a large banana is between 7 to 8 inches only contains 105 calories.

Low Fat

Banana is one of the fruits that do not contain a lot of protein, and the fruit is very low in fat. You can prove it through the USDA database, where the large-sized banana has only less than half a gram of fat.

High Fiber

Bananas are foods that are high in fiber, and are able to keep you full until late afternoon. One large banana contains 4 grams of fiber for each serving, so that they can assist you in achieving the 25 grams of daily fiber needs. You just need three to four bananas to reach half of the daily intake.

Low Glycemic Index

One of the foods that contain low glycemic index was largely a banana. By consuming these foods, then you will not get a surge of sugar and calories in the blood increase. Glycemic low index means food that is digested and absorbed more slowly so as to create blood sugar levels more consistent. Unlike the case with high glycemic indexed foods such as rice, the food is quickly absorbed by the body so that your blood sugar levels will also be absorbed more quickly. Also, you will feel hungry more quickly.

10 Weird Home Remedies that are Effective

Home Remedies are natural and effective that have no side effects. Many are often go for various chemical products to treat several health problems, but its not good for health. Where as Home remedies are simple and the ingredients are easily available at home. Ingredients like lemon, gingersugar,olive oil are used to treat several health,hair,skin problems.

Here we list a home remedies that works well.

1. Vodka : If you have smelly feet, then vodka is the best solution, just wash the feet with vodka or soak the cloth in vodka and then wipe your feet.

2. Tennis Ball : Treat your foot pain with tennis ball by foot massage, but be careful when you land up on this ball to avoid accidents.

3. Listerine : Use this as a mouthwash to treat blusters and also it is very effective for toenail fungus and dandruff. Just add few drops of Listerine in water and wash your hair to treat dandruff. For toenail fungus also just add few drops of Listerine in water and soak your toenail in the that.

4. Sugar : Swallow tea spoon of sugar helps you to treat hiccups.This will surely work.

5. Headache Balm : Headache balm helps you to relief from bad cold . Apply the headache balm to open the blocked nose instantly

6. Pencil : Many people have the habit of chewing pencil stick. If you are feeling stress then its a good one to get relief . This is one the weird remedy that treats rising health problems.

7. Cushions : Do some simple cushion exercise helps you to relief from back pain. This is one of the weirdest  and effective home remedy to treat back pain naturally.

8. Mint Leaves : Mint Leaves can be known well as a mouth freshener, apart from that it also can be used to boost the body metabolism. So try to chew mint leaves.

9. Yogurt : Yogurt has probiotics which helps to reduce the mouth odour. so have yogurt to treat mouth odour.

10. Vegetable Oil : This is the best home remedy to treat fragile finger nails and dry feet. Just massage your hands and feet with vegetable oil to get moisturized and also it prevents brittle nails.

Thursday 23 May 2013

6 Benefits of Vitamin B to Your Health

Benefits of vitamin B include things that are so vital to your health. Through these vitamins, you will find a better cell formation by increasing the ability of the nerve. Variety of foods is widely recognized as an important source of vitamin B is tuna, bananas, chicken breast, turnip greens, and peppers. Through the following points, you will know why it is so important B vitamins for health.

Assist the formation of cell

Growth of normal cells in the body requires vitamin B6 for various reasons. The first nucleic acid which creates DNA requires vitamin B6 as a component that supports their work. Amino acids also need vitamin B6 to perform synthesis. And in the end, to form several important compounds such as heme (center protein of red blood cells) and phospholipids (cell membrane components that enable messaging between cells) also requires vitamin B6.

Carbohydrate processing
Vitamin B6 is important not only to process carbohydrates, a process that is needed to produce energy. Apparently, this vitamin is also important in the breakdown of glycogen, a form of starch stored in the muscles and energy sources, and will be used during exercise.

Enhance Immunity

Because it is important for protein metabolism and new cell growth, vitamin B6 also helps maintain the health of lymphoid glands, such as the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes, and thereby ensure the production of healthy white blood cells and protect the body from infection.

Circulatory launched

Vitamin B6 is not only important to produce hemoglobin, but a protein that has been metabolized can help carry oxygen through the bloodstream to the cells, and increases the amount of oxygen carried.

Improve nervous system

Vitamin B6 contributes to the synthesis of serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, and gamma-amino butyric acid, or GABA, an amino acid that inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses in the nervous system.


Vitamin B6 has been shown to curb excessive inflammation in the body, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and obesity.

6 benefits of vitamin B 6 in the course very inspire you not?

5 Ways to Treat Cough With Natural Techniques

How to treat a cough has been found by medical experts. Indeed, the disease is relatively mild but very annoying when it happens to us. Various weather conditions to a less healthy lifestyle main cause must be corrected immediately. One powerful way to cure a cough is by alternative medicines such as herbs, fruits and special. Below, there are some natural ways to treat coughs and has potent believed to cure the disease.


To be able to be free from coughing, you can add a half teaspoon of turmeric that has been pounded into a glass of milk. Do not forget to add the honey. Regularly drink one or two times a day to get healing.


Basil-based drinks a potion that can cure many typical ailments including coughs. The trick is to provide 1 to 2 glasses of water, then also provide 2 to 3 bunch basil leaves. Boil a mixture of water and the basil leaves, and drink while warm.

Star fruit Wuluh
Take star fruit approximately one sheet, then mix with a few grains of fennel, and add the sugar and a cup of water. The mixed team and drink water filter results.


Squeeze the lemon juice and the water is mixed with honey and boiled water. The dose is 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of pure honey and 5 tablespoons lukewarm water. Then the team for 30 minutes. It is recommended to consume twice daily one teaspoon.

Young leaves Acid
Take as many as half of young leaf acid handheld, sage leaves and mix with a sweet, rock sugar, and cinnamon. Boil the mixture to a boil, and then strain it carefully.

Although a little weird, but the rose is also efficacious to cure cough. Please take fresh roses approximately ten grams, then the team with enough water. Add rock sugar according to your taste and drink in a period of time twice a day.

Hopefully the above effective way to treat cough applied.

3 Ways to Repel Body Odor

Body odor is one thing that does not make us uncomfortable. Sometimes, we often do not [believers are themselves to be close to someone when attacking body odor. Here, you will get a variety of powerful techniques to repel body odor. 

Keeping the skin

One way to reduce or eliminate body odor is to keep the skin to remain dry. Bacteria are able to reduce future situation, especially in many parts of the body like the armpits moist.

Try to keep your skin by continuing to shower using soap that is able to minimize pores and reduce excessive perspiration levels. Also, you can sprinkle the powder to reduce moisture. Then, to really reduce body odor, take and apply deodorant on your armpits.

Eating the right foods

Cause of body odor could be from the food you consume daily. Foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are a food combination with the output of the gas that comes out through the skin. Also, a variety of foods that are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract can cause a bad odor. Then, the body will release the scent is not pleasant through the pores.

To counteract the cause of body odor is caused by consuming a variety of foods; you are advised to consume 8 glasses of water every day. It is a powerful way to improve the system and make the body detoxify the toxins out of your body.

Fungal infections

One of the bad things that might happen and is considered the cause of body odor is a fungus infection. These conditions can cause the body is unable to process the organic substance called trim ethylamine well. So, your body will tend to smell fishy, ​​like a genetic disorder commonly known as fish odor syndrome.

These health problems are considered difficult to remove and require special handling. You can start taking some oregano oil capsules with 500 mg level. Try to take it twice a day with a two-week period. Also, it is advisable to avoid foods with high trim ethylamine with coverage of eggs, liver, nuts, and milk.

Hopefully the information above, you are able to repel body odor from various members of the body, especially the armpits.

Health Benefits of Oranges for many diseases

Every body loves Orange in the world as it tastes good,Besides this Orange is the fruit which is loaded with lot of vitamins. orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall well-being and most importantly Vitamin C is most abudant in Oranges as this powerful vitamin C protects our body against harmful elements. Here we list out the benefits of oranges which are beneficial for many diseases. The Scientific name of Orange is Citrus sinensis.

Oranges are Beneficial for the following cases :

* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Pneumonia
* Rheumatism
* Prevent kidney stone
* Helps lower cholesterol
* Helps prevent diabetes
* Arthritis
* High blood pressure
* Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
* Consumption of large quantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose.

Here some of the Health benefits of Oranges :
>It filters the blood
>Strengthens the bones, hair, nails and teeth
>Reduces the cholesterol
>Very beneficial of Skin disease

Nutritional Contents of Orange :

1. Orange contains Betacarotene, an powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from being damage.
2. Calcium that helps to protect and maintain the health of our bone and teeth.
3. Folic Acid which helps for proper brain development.
4. Magnesium which helps to control blood pressure.
5. Potassium which helps to maintain electrolyte balance in the cells, and is important in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
6. Thiamin which helps to convert the food into energy.
7. Vitamin B6 which helps to support the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body...

10 Tips to reduce weight naturally

Hi Friends Many of us wants to lose weight for a healthy life, For those here I am giving 10 Effective home remedies for reducing weight...

Obesity can risk your life so to keep good health we have to lose the weight...

1. Fruits & Vegetables: Fruits and Vegetables are low calorie foods, So over weight person should include these in their diet regularly...

2. Milk Products like butter, cheese and Meat also should be avoided because these foods are rich in fat

3. Spices like black pepper, cinnamon, dry ginger are good for losing weight, so include these spices in your diet.

4. Reduce the intake of salt because it is the important factor for gaining weight

5. Cabbage: When comes to say about cabbage, It is the most effective remedy to lose weight. This vegetable inhibits the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat. So we should take cabbage in our diet. Beside this Cabbage have lots of benefits, It is a best Anti-Aging food.

6. Vegetables like bitter gourd and drumsticks are useful for losing weight

7. Honey is an effective home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body and puts into circulation. It is better to take in the morning along with warm lemon water

8. Lemon Juice is the best remedy for losing weight, Take glass of lemon juice and sweetened with honey should be taken early morning on empty stomach gives good result.

9.  You must also include regular exercise in your daily routine to help enhance weight reduction.Measure the portions of your food every meal and make sure that the portions are small.

10. Exercise is the most important part in weight reduction plan. It helps to lose the calories which stored in the form of fat. Walking, Swimming, Rowing are the best parts in exercises to lose weight

Health benefits of Bananas for Many Diseases

Bananas have lots of Health benefits. Bananas gives an instant and sustainable boost of energy. Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. According to Research, It proves that just two bananas provide energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout and that's why it is the king of fruits and the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. Energy is not only the thing which we can get from bananas beside this we have lot of benefits and beneficial for sustainable number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

Bananas are beneficial for the following cases

  • Reduces Depression
  • Reduce the bowel system
  • Reduce the blood pressure and risk of heart attacks
  • Help our bones grow stronger
  • Help individuals to quit smoking
  • Help Prevent Anemia
  • Gives instant energy
  • Reduce the menstrual pains
  • Boosts our brain
  • Help prevent Ulcers
According to Japanese Scientific Research, full ripe banana with dark patches on yellow skin produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal cells. The more darker patches it has the higher will be its immunity enhancement quality. Hence, the riper the banana have more having the anti-oxidant properties

Yellow skin bananas with dark spots are 8 times more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than green skin version.
Eating 1-2 banana/s a day increases immunity.

So, Bananas are really a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare Banana with an Apple then it is
It has Four Times the protein than Apple
Twice the Carbohydrate
Three times the phosphorous
Five times the vitamin A and Iron
Twice the other Vitamins and other minerals
Banana is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around the globe. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'
So Take bananas regularly in your diet.

Easy Tips to Gain Weight

Everyone talks about how to lose weight, then what about the people who wants to gain weight. Here in this article we list you a tips to gain weight.

Eat more calories : Normally for an average male needs 2,200 calories and where as for average female needs 1900 calories. You need to eat around extra 1000 calories/day to gain atleast half kilo a week.

Make smart choices : Choose dairy products, eggs, fish and meat over bread and vegetables. Eat foods with high protein content such as beans, pulses and peas, and foods with high starch content such as potatoes, rice and tapioca.

Protein is important : To build a new muscle we needs a lot of proteins so increase your protein intake...

Snack a lot : Consume high calorie snacks such as muffins,dried fruits,breakfast bars,cheese sticks.

Be consistent: It might take a long time, usually a few months, for the weight to actually show.

Fluids : Drink a lot of fluids that supply nutrients and calories; milk, fresh fruit juices and energy drinks are good examples.

Healthy diet : You may take dietary supplement, but you need a balanced diet more. You need the right amount of protein, carbs and fats. Help yourself to nuts and dairy products. Protein is the key for muscle building; this will help you gain weight.

Healthy weight gain : Gradual weight gain is always advisable. An increase in 500 kcal per day can result in increasing the body weight by 0.5 kgs per week. Objective should be to restore a desirable weight/ ideal body weight according to one's age, gender and height. To rebuild body tissues, to maintain a good nutritional status and to maintain ideal body weight are a few reasons why healthy weight gain is important.

Mango with Ice cream smoothie

We all known that mangoes are the king of fruits, Now it is the season of mangoes. Mangoes are not only tasty but also very good for health. The sweet and juicy of mango pulp is loved by every one. Mangoes offers several health and skin benefits.. In this post I am going to explain how to prepare Mango Ice cream smoothie...

Ingredients Required :

Mangoes: 5-6
cold Milk: 1/2
Sugar 6-7 tb spoon (Depending on the no. of mangoes)
vanilla ice cream: 2 scoops
water if required

How to Prepare :

1. Remove the peel of the mangoes and cut into small pieces
2. Blend the mango pieces in the grinder
3. Now add the sugar in that and again blend that for one minute.
4. Now take the blended mango juice into a bowl and add cold milk in that.
5. Lastly mix vanilla ice cream in that.

Now cool cool Mango Ice cream smoothie is ready....

Tuesday 21 May 2013

10 Healthy Fruits for Diabetics

Diet plan is very important for diabetic patients. They should keep a close eye on their diet chart. What you are eating is important.There is a common myth that eating fruits leads to increase in the sugar levels for diabetic patients but the fact is not all the fruits are bad for diabetic patients,there are few healthy fruits that can be really good for diabetic patients such as strawberries,blueberries,apples,pears,raspberries.These fruits provide essential nutrients to our body and also controls the diabetes because these fruits are low in sugar and rich in proteins and vitamins.It will be good if you consume in moderate amounts.

Apples : Apples contains 'pectin' which helps to reduce sugar levels.

Pears : Pears also contains 'pectin' if we consume in moderate amounts it can also controls high blood sugar levels.

Apricots : Apricots are rich in potassium that will be good for diabetic patients. It will be good to consume dried apricots than the fresh ones.

Berries: All types of Berries helps to lower the glycemic index of diabetics.

Kiwi : According to research, consuming kiwi fruit shown a positive correlation which helps to lower the blood sugar level

Cherries : Cherries are rich in fiber which helps to lower the blood sugar levels.

Plums : Plums enriched with fiber that makes an ideal fruit for diabetic and heart patients.Plums are low in calorie as well as low in Glycemic Index

Oranges : Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber.It lowers Glycemic index and an ideal fruit for diabetics.

Avocado : Avocado contains healthy fats and potassium,this makes it an ideal fruit for diabetics. Avocado lowers the bad cholesterol levels in the body and also lowers triglyceride

Nectarines : Nectarines is a another fruit from citrus family which is an healthy fruit for diabetics. It reduces the chance of getting type-2 diabetes  as it was low in Glycemic index

Foods that fight against cancer cells

The chance of getting cancer-related deaths are linked to your lifestyle choices,diet.You know smoking and drinking are the main causes of certain types of cancer.A healthy proper diet,regular exercise makes you keep away from cancer.The best way to keep away from cancer is having a healthy diet.There are many foods that fight against cancer list.

Here we list top foods which fights against cancer cells.

Broccoli : Broccoli contains indole 3-carbinol which helps us to fight against breast cancer in women and other types of cancer such as colon and rectal.

Garlic : Garlic helps us to fight against not only cancer and also it kills the cancer causing substances in the stomach because of its immunity-enhancing compounds

Carrots: Make sure to take carrots regularly in your diet as it helps us to fight against lungs,stomach,prostrate,bladder and intestine cancer.

Mushrooms : A protein called "Lectin" present in mushrooms that helps to fight against cancer cells and also prevent them from spreading out to other parts of the body.Mushrooms strengthens the body cells and immune system.

Nuts : Nuts are the rich sources of anti-oxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol that stops the growth of the disease.

Papaya : Papaya contains vitamin C which acts as a antioxidant to our body.It helps us to fight against cancer. Papaya lowers the risk of getting cancer caused by consumption of canned food.

Avocados : Avocados are power packed with powerful antioxidants that absorbs the fat cells in the body which leads to cancer.According to research Avocados have more potassium than bananas.

Grapes : Grapes are the rich sources of vitamin c and folic acid which helps to fight against mainly breast cancer and other cells in the body.

Tomatoes : Tomatoes contains vitamin C which acts as antioxidant which damages the cancer causing cells that leads to cancer. According to studies it also kills the mouth cancer cells as it contains lycopene.

Monday 20 May 2013

Natural Remedies for Acidity

Acidity is very common problem we have seen in many people. Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of the stomach.Irregular eating habit, lack of exercise,regular consumption of alcohol,stress,eating spicy foods are the main reasons behind Acidity.Its not a big deal to get relief from acidity,what matters is what you eat.Make a proper diet plan can so that it give you immense relief. Here we list home remedies for Acidity.

Drinking Water: Drink lukewarm water before going to sleep and as well as drink in the early morning on empty stomach. Never drink water during or immediately after the meal because it leads to improper digestion.

Milk: Milk is a rich source of calcium that prevents build-up of acid in the stomach.Go for a glass of cold milk rather than hot milk.Whenever you feel that there can be the problem of acidity after a meal then you go for glass of cold milk,this will soothe your stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix one table spoon of raw and organic apple cider vinegar with four ounces of water and take that before having the meals every time.This will surely helps in treating acidity.

Aloe Vera Juice : This is the best remedy for all the problems in the stomach. Just Mix one ounce of aloe vera juice with 2 ounces of water and drink twice a day.

Basil Leaves : Basil leaves is the best remedy for acidity and gives you instant relief. Whenever you suffer from acidity,eat some basil leaves.You can also boil 5 or 6 basil leaves in a glass of water and have it frequently.

Ginger : Ginger is enriched with anti-inflammation properties which helps to treat acidity.The juice of a ginger will neutralize stomach acids.When you feel the acidity just take the slice of ginger and chew it.

Jaggery: Jaggery is a rich source of potassium which helps in balancing the acids present in the stomach.When you have the acidity problem,you need to take jaggery.

Buttermilk : Mix black pepper powder with a glass of butter milk and drink at frequent intervals.This will surely helps to get relief from acidity.

Here some more simple tips to cure acidity:

  • Say Bye to coffee and go for a herbal tea
  • Drink Lukewarm water everyday
  • Make sure to include banana,cucumber and watermelon in your diet.
  • Take food at regular intervals but don't eat excess.Have small but regular meals.
  • Say good bye to pickles,spicy,chutneys.
  • Cut down the alcohol consumption and smoking

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate comes with power packed benefits.It is a super antioxidant and rich in vitamins A,C and E.It helps to fight against many diseases.Here we list a handy useful benefits of Pomegranate.

Prostrate Cancer Prevention : Pomegranate juice acts a natural chemo-prevention treatment, because it is enriched with antioxidants that fights against prostrate cancer.

Protects Your Arteries: Pomegranates helps to prevent plaque from building up in the arteries.

Lowers Cholesterol : Pomegranate removes bad cholesterol and promotes the raise in good cholesterol.
  • Reduces Cellular Damage
  • Lowering Blood Pressure
  • Protecting your teeth (By drinking pomegranate juice it Prevents Dental Plaque)
  • Prevent Cartilage deterioration
  • Improves your sex drive
  • Reduces Middle-Age spread
According to $4 million study has found that a daily dose of pomegranate juice could slow the aging (oxidation) process of DNA